• woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer

    Curiosity is my new Superpower

    I have spent my life working hard, attempting to balance the stress of a busy professional life with trying to raise 3 good humans of my own, while at the same time nurturing my relationship with my husband.  This hard work has brought me great success, but  left very little time for myself. People would often say to me, “you’re a supermom”, I guess because I always seemed to keep things in balance?  And to keep this illusion of balance,  I became  a consummate multi-tasker, always managing to keep the balls in the air. I always assumed that was my super-power.   But there is a video of my kids, I…

  • photo of person s legs surrounded by blades of grass

    Where is the green grass?

    The grass is always greener, right?   I’ve been ruminating on this for the past few weeks. Why do we use this phrase to placate ourselves when we covet something that someone else has? Is it something we tell ourselves to justify the guilt we feel over choices made, or not made, because we can take pity on ourselves that what others have is better than what we have. Does it allow us to feel ok being unsatisfied with what we have right in front of us, and put most of the “blame” so to speak, into the cosmos, as if life somehow makes the grass greener over there. How…

  • white notebook on the table
    Previously Published

    Rethinking the Whole Resolutions Thing

    At this point in the month, many of us have filled our heads and our calendars with goals and intentions, full of the promise of new habits. The great majority of these will be fueled by a desire to be more healthy – a new diet or exercise regime, a desire to cut back or give up an unhealthy behavior or toxic substance, or a wish to connect more with others either personally, professionally or charitably. In my case, a perpetual resolution I keep coming back to is “to declutter my life.”  While I am not a hoarder, I have a hard time just throwing things away, preferring instead to…